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 Burzum (Varg Vikernes)

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Messages : 25
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Date d'inscription : 13/11/2010
Age : 31
Localisation : Turkey

Burzum (Varg Vikernes) Empty
MessageSujet: Burzum (Varg Vikernes)   Burzum (Varg Vikernes) EmptySam 13 Nov - 9:16

Burzum is a musical project by Varg Vikernes (originally under the pseudonym "Count Grishnackh"). It began during 1991 in Bergen, Norway and quickly became prominent within the early Norwegian black metal scene. During 1992 and 1993, Burzum recorded four albums; however, in 1994 Vikernes was convicted and imprisoned for the murder of guitarist Øystein "Euronymous" Aarseth and the arson of several churches. While imprisoned, Vikernes recorded two studio albums in the dark ambient style, using only synthesized instruments.

Early years (1991–1993)
The Burzum 'logo' as it appeared on the cover of Demo II

From 1989, Vikernes had been playing in the short lived band Old Funeral which also consisted of members who would later form the band Immortal. He played guitar in the band until 1991 when he left to form his one man band, Burzum. Soon after recording two demo tapes, he became very involved with the Norwegian black metal scene, being both interested in its music and the ideology. With his demo tapes, he had attracted attention from Øystein Aarseth of Mayhem, who had just recently formed Deathlike Silence Productions. Aarseth then signed Burzum to the label, and shortly after, Burzum began to record for his self-titled debut album. According to Vikernes' autobiography on his website, he had intended to record the album in the worst recording quality possible (due to this being a typical trademark of the early Norwegian black metal scene), though still make it sound acceptable. Burzum's eponymous debut album was released in 1992, being the second album released on Deathlike Silence Productions. The song "War" from this album had a guest appearance from Euronymous of Mayhem, playing a guitar solo "just for fun", according to Vikernes.
The Burzum 'logo' used between 1991 and 1994

Vikernes has stated that he had never played any live shows with Burzum, though at one point was interested in it so Samoth of Emperor joined the band as their bassist though only appeared on the Aske EP. Additionally, Erik Lancelot was hired to be the band's drummer, though did not record on any Burzum material, and along with Samoth did not play a live show. Vikernes had by then lost his interest in playing live concerts, and stated that he "didn't even need session musicians anymore". Therefore, Samoth and Lancelot had parted ways with Burzum. Det som engang var was released as Burzum's second album in 1993, recorded in 1992.
Imprisonment (1994–2009)
The Burzum 'logo' used between 1994 and 2009

May 15th, 1994, saw the release of Hvis lyset tar oss, a new album or previously recorded material from 1992. Burzum stayed as a solo project until 1994, when Vikernes was arrested for the murder of Euronymous and the burnings of several churches in Norway. During his time in prison, on January 1st, 1996, his next album got released, titled Filosofem it was recorded in March 1993 and was the last recording before Varg Vikernes' imprisonment. Vikernes, while imprisoned, managed to record two other albums in a dark ambient style. They were released as Dauði baldrs (1997) and Hliðskjálf (1999).
Post-imprisonment (2009–present)
The Burzum 'logo' used on the 2010 album Belus

Soon after being released Vikernes started writing new tracks, nine metal tracks and an ambient intro and outro, for an upcoming Burzum album. According to Vikernes mentions, several record companies were interested in releasing his first album in eleven years. He stated about the new album, "I want to take my time, and make it the way I want it. It will be metal, and the fans can expect genuine Burzum."

The album was going to be originally titled "Den hvite guden" (The White God), but he later decided to change it to Belus, which was released by "Byelobog productions" on the 8th of March 2010. It has also been announced that a movie will be released in 2010, based on Varg Vikernes' life in the early 1990s. The movie is mainly drawing inspiration from the book "Lords of Chaos", with the film being of the same name. Vikernes expressed his deep contempt towards both the movie and the book it is based upon .
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Burzum (Varg Vikernes)
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